A lot of people are scared now that Donald Trump is back in office. I’ve head so many people complain about how our lives are “about to be miserable for the next 4 years.”

It just amazes me that people give that much power over their life and destiny to one person in the White House. I think individually, we have the power to will the life we desire into existence. A president may put certain measures in order to make things a little more difficult, but you and we ultimately have the power to attain the life we want.

I won’t get into too many specifics of what Donald Trump has proposed to do and what he’s done so far. I know the temporary TikTok ban was trending before he extended TikTok for 75 days. I also know there is the Donald Trump Project 25 in place that lists everything Trump plans on doing during his time in office. In future articles I’ll get into the specifics of what Donald Trump is doing and what we can expect for the next 4 years.

The only point I want to stress now is not to stress too much about some politician that you believe will have that big an affect on your personal well-being.

I think a communal mind-set where we all come together and create businesses and pool our resources together is the best thing we can do. There are strength in numbers.

So now is not the time to whine and cry about what we believe “they” will do against us.

So create your business, grow your already existing business, or get that certification for that job or trade and keep grinding and building to reach the top.

It’s only four years anyway. After that, I suppose some of you think the new Democrat will save us from  the plague Trump put us in if we are still alive. I say that because some people act as if the world will come to an end and we’re all going to die because Trump was elected again.

Anyone reading this, just take a deep breath. See that wasn’t so bad now was it? We’ll live through another four years of Trump. Trust me, Kamala Harris would not have been any better.  If you fear Trump, you should have that same level of fear for all of the Democrats as well. All we have is us. But we will be fine.



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