There are instigators, perpetrators, and spectators. I’ll start with the perpetrators.
The perpetrators are the smallest percentage. They are those Black gang bangers, drug dealers, stick up kids, and temperamental hot-heads who grew up in the ghetto, projects, hood, or whatever you want to call it. They also grew up without a father and never learned self-discipline. There are also Black kids who grew up with ghetto parenting tactics by either the single mother or the corrupted pops who, as old country Black women say, “Ain’t got nae bid of sense.” The streets raised these quick tempered youngsters, as rappers used to say. Their mom dukes was working while they were at home having “street niggas” and drug dealers influence them to sell drugs, gang bang, and/or learn the streets. A good percentage of these perpetrators don’t see the big picture of the setup for societal ills.
Then the second group are the spectators. They represent the majority of Black Americans. They are the law-abiding citizens. They are working poor, working class, middle class, and a smaller percentage are upper class rich folks. Some are blue collar workers, others are White collar workers. The rich Black folks usually excel in sports and entertainment, though many excel in arts and as entrepreneurs. Both the perpetrators and spectators/innocent bystanders look at their collective Black race as a single entity and look at themselves along with the other races in this melting pot country also as a single entity called America.
The spectators/innocent bystanders critique the perpetrating smaller percentage group for selling poison to the community and committing self-genocide through gun violence. They say this in the context of looking at themselves as a part of a collective entity with them using phrases like “We gotta stop killing each other” and “We need unity.” Despite the “We” reference they still don’t expect to be stereotyped as criminals by mainstream society just because a small percentage of their race commit crimes. A good percentage of the spectators see the big picture of the setup for societal ills.
This big picture of societal ills is where the last group called instigators reside. This is the group that the spectators recognize and the perpetrators can’t seem to recognize. They are some (not all) crooked cops, the FBI, the CIA, crooked politicians and pundits, and even the good ‘ol mainstream media. They are the ones who socially engineer or downright instigate Black-on-Black genocide. Black gangs in Los Angeles were originally created during the Jim Crow era to unify and fight racist White gangs that tried to attack them first. Eventually, those Black self defense gangs formed the Black Panther Party and the U.S. organization. These two organizations were about Black unity and economic and political empowerment. The instigators – the FBI that is – then decided to write fake provocative letters pretending to come from both Black empowerment organizations going to the opposite. This caused a rift and eventual shootout on UCLA’s campus on January 17, 1969 between both groups, leaving two Black Panther Party members dead. Subsequently, several months of retaliatory shootings occurred, causing more deaths. What about Black-on-Black crime though? My question is what about the instigation of Black-on-Black crime. Why haven’t those conservative racist pundits asked that question?
Eventually, both the Black Panther Party and U.S. economic and self-empowerment organizations were neutralized by the COINTELPRO instigators. Bloods and Crips gangs emerged in the void of destroyed leadership groups in several Black neighborhoods in LA and they’ve been killing each other since. They made a truce in the early 1990s and the media denounced them as conspiring to commit criminal acts together as opposed to the actual reality of them simply unifying and ending – you guessed it – Black-on-Black crime. I don’t suspect all of those debating conservative politicians and pundits on CNN, FOX News, and MSNBC, who use their police brutality diversionary argument of “What about Black-on-Black crime,” saw the Cle Sloan-directed Bastards of the Party documentary. This is the documentary that detailed this historical origin of gang violence in LA. Be that as it may, I’m quite sure they are still in the know of the sinister instigating of Black self-genocide by American intelligence organizations. They just pretend they don’t and make an argument that even they don’t believe as a diversionary argument from police brutality.
In that same documentary, a Crip member stated that during the gang truce, a task force member cop arrested him, and then took his car so as to pretend they were him and did a drive by in the gang rival neighborhood to reignite the beef. I have also heard anecdotal testimonies of cops doing this in LA and Chicago to keep Black-on-Black murders going.
So again I ask. What about White institutional instigation of Black-on-Black crime though?