Conservative bootlicker, Jesse Lee Peterson, has asked Blacks that question quite frequently. He brought Black guests on his show and asked “Are you oppressed?” and “Do you feel oppressed?” He’ll make the point of a Black person having the freedom to live their life individually to the fullest. So therefore, Blacks can’t be that oppressed. You can travel anywhere, buy nice things, and attain financial success. Conservatives complain about liberal and conscious Blacks complaining about racism and state that racism isn’t that bad. Some will even say racism doesn’t exist, it’s only in liberals’ heads, and that it ended with the Civil Rights Movement.
Are Black People Oppressed?
Oppressed is a word that liberal and conscious Blacks sometimes use. I personally don’t refer to myself as being oppressed because it sounds victim-minded. I don’t refer to White racist institutions as being the oppressor either. I feel that just gives them too much power. But I still understand what’s meant when people say Blacks are oppressed, or institutional systems as the oppressor. Uncle Jesse, just like other conservatives are playing possum once again. They are acting dumb by pretending they don’t know what’s meant by the term “oppressed” and “oppressor.”
Basically, most Blacks are not oppressed individually, but we are so-called oppressed collectively. Here goes, folks. Same situation, different term. As a Black person, if I work hard individually, I can gain social mobility, get a good job, and make good money. There might be glass ceilings placed by racist institutions that keep some Blacks from moving up as you assimilate into White society as dispersed Black individuals. And there are some White corporations, companies, and institutions that will allow you to move up to the highest position with little to no glass ceiling. I say little glass ceiling because there will always be a slight glass ceiling. You may be the highest ranking person, but they won’t allow you to buy or own the company, culturally Black wash it, or even hire more qualified Blacks.
So as a Black person at some companies, you’re the last hired, first fired, last promoted, and first disciplined due to minor infractions compared to Whites. As a Black person, you may be denied purchasing a home in certain neighborhoods when Whites are allowed to. As a Black person, you may be denied a loan, whereas a White person is approved – even with equal credit. As a Black person, you might get a harsher jail sentence for committing the same crime as a White person. As a Black person, you may be more likely to face unjust treatment by law enforcement by way of racial profiling and police brutality. All of this can be classified as oppression. The word “oppressed” may sound whiny, emotional, and melodramatic, but all the word simply means is “to keep someone in subservience and hardship through unjust exercise of authority.” The examples I listed are “unjust exercises of authority.” I, as well as any possum-playing, conservative bootlicker, have heard similar stories of racially unfair treatment – either in the news, or personally. It would be disingenuous to deny that these things happen. It’s also insincere to act as if you don’t know what’s meant by the term “oppressed.”
Oppression or Racial Harassment?
Despite these “oppressive” examples of racism, that’s still not to say that every time a Black person walks outside he’s facing racial harassment. Racism isn’t a constant, in-your-face thing. They did that 50+ years ago during Jim Crow. Racism is now more subtle and sporadic, as opposed to blatant and consistent as it used to be. That’s also not to say that there aren’t traditionally White-owned companies that give fair rewards and promotions to people of all races, and based on merit alone.
As a Black person, you can just as well go a long time or never get racially profiled or accosted by cops. I don’t fear getting shot every time I cross paths with a police officer or every time I’m pulled over. Most of the time, I’m more scared of getting a ticket. I’ve encountered cool cops that gave me a warning as opposed to a ticket that they could’ve given me. It’s not like it’s a constant race war every time you walk outside. But that doesn’t mean racism doesn’t exist, and systematically racist acts don’t happen to Blacks spread out over time and in different states, cities, and counties across America. Blacks will experience racism more in some places than they will in others.
Speaking of Racism
When Blacks speak of White racism, they are not talking about the White civilian individual – Billy next door, Becky at the next cubicle at work, or the cool White dude or nice White lady you small-talked with in the corner store line. When Blacks speak of racism, they are talking about racism by institutions – the justice system, law enforcement in certain places, education, politics, entertainment, and media. This, by definition, is oppression. You can say racism, unfair treatment, or unjust exercise of authority. Either way, you are saying the same thing. Conservative Sambos know what’s meant by this term, even as they play stupid.