Most work 9 to 5 jobs.
The Working Class Majority
Working class Blacks make up the majority of the Black population. Then there’s a step below to the working poor Blacks, two steps back up to middle class Blacks, and then there’s the smallest percentage of Blacks in the upper class elite of rich and wealthy Blacks. That’s where even the previous mentioned conservative pundits and rich celebrities reside. And then there’s mainstream media and entertainment’s favorite representation of Blacks – the underworld crime scene. Those gang-banging, drug dealing criminal Blacks. You see them plastered on meticulously cherry-picked news stories on corporate owned media, and represented in Jewish controlled movies, tell-lies-to-your-vision shows, and music labels.
When you combine the prior mentioned classes in real life outside of media programming, they far outnumber the latter mentioned criminal element of the Black community. I’ll spitball a number here. If 97% of Blacks are law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, and 3% are criminals, you don’t justify murdering a member of the larger percentage of the crime-free group, by pointing to a small percentage of the crime-laden group that’s separate from them.
Victims of Senseless Violence
Most of the victims shot by police were working class non-criminals. Philando Castile only had traffic issues on his record, Sandra Bland only had the same, and there was nothing reported about Sean Bell. Sean Bell was reported to have worked odd jobs after his daughter was born at age 19. He was also studying to become an electrician. Yet he was still shot and killed at age 23 in late 2006 – the day before his wedding at that. So what about Black-on-Black crime? Gang and drug related murders in the hood – Chicago ones at that, had nothing to do with them.
Slain victims such as Alton Sterling and Eric Garner had unrelated prior crimes talked about by the media to subtly imply that they deserved death. If you’re not committing a crime now, your past is irrelevant. If a cop shot Charles Barkley today while saying they feared their life, didn’t recognize him as a celebrity and just thought he was a Black Humpty Dumpty with a Fred Sanford limp, the media would probably bring up his arrest incident where he threw a guy out a window in the late 90s to demonize him. If Ray Lewis was shot by cops as cops stated they feared for their life, didn’t recognize him as a celeb, and thought he was an average joe Black guy with shell-shocked, overly animated mannerisms and facial expressions, the media would bring up the old murder he was charged and acquitted of in the early 2000s to subtly imply he deserved to get shot. They would also ask about Black-on-Black crime in the ghettos even though their rich selves live in the suburbs. I don’t even need to contend with the silly argument of this imaginary circumstance.
Just think about it yourself.