Good question. What is clout? I think Fat Joe’s definition of clout means being a controlled celebrity and puppet for the elites while pretending to be down for the actual cause

Being on mainstream television or being clicked in with them does not give you clout.

You’re not even allowed to say what you want to say about being down for the actual cause without becoming blackballed from your respective industry or mainstream media, having a scandal put on you, or made to go on a humiliating apology tour.

Or they won’t be allowed to appear on the bright lights and “clout” ridden level of mainstream TV to begin with. But what if a grassroots level influencer on street corners, neighborhoods and social media gets too much of a large following and influence without the mainstream machine? And what if that same influencer is pushing an agenda or viewpoint that’s contrary to what mainstream wants us peasant citizens to think?

What the “clout” level mainstream establishment will do is give the grassroots the “clout” of acknowledging them by denouncing them as radicals- just as mainstream Fat Joe called the FBA, or call them conspiracy theorists. They may even just ridicule them as ignorant or play or read small snippets of their overall message on mainstream media so they can give the mainstream public a false narrative of their entire message.

And that’s just talking about influencers of social issues and sociopolitical issues. I’ll get into the entertainment aspect later. Mainstream media won’t let FBA phrase users on mainstream television unless they bring them on so they can try to debunk their point-of-view. And if they can’t beat them, they will just ignore them. They won’t let a Tariq Nasheed, Black Authority, Profblacktruth, Vicki Dillard or anyone else who’s authentic and won’t toe the line to their narrative on mainstream television.

If they do, they will straw-man their statement, have mainstream political pundits of both Democrat and Republicans hurl insults and snide remarks at them in the middle of a public debate to throw them off balance, have their puppets talk over them on the TV debates, or go to a commercial as soon as the grassroots guests start to make a great point. Or they may just delete a certain statement they make on their carefully controlled program.

Tariq Nasheed did appear on Fox News at some point, and they labeled him as a member of Black Lives Matter. This is something he’s criticized them for on his YouTube channel as he passionately repudiated any connections to that organization.

Grassroots conscious thinkers don’t have a problem with the term “Black Lives Matter” that was coined when all of those police brutality and murder incidents took place against Black people in the 2010s and were highly publicized on mainstream television.

What they do have a problem with is the organization called Black Lives Matter. And that’s because conscious and socially aware people know that the organization was hijacked and turned into a Democratic LGBT front. Their little website even stated at one point, long after it was hijacked from Black-centered, that they fight for Black, brown, and LGBTQ minorities and that they want to change the traditional Black family dynamic from man, woman and child to a same gender and child family dynamic and etch the Black man out of the picture.

I didn’t find this out from the “clout” laden CNN or MSNBC news. A conscious community social media influencer pointed that out. When I went to check their site, I was surprised to see it was actually on their website in their mission statement. The last I heard was that they took that statement down. I won’t waist a few minutes out of my precious time to check it again.

If you tell this stuff about the Black Lives Matter group to negro-minded people who still think CNN, MSNBC, the Democratic party, and sellout celebrities are their friends and leaders, they will simply think you are a closeted Republican, Trump supporter, and All lives matter, Blue lives matter, racism doesn’t exist-thinking Sambo. In their eyes, you can only be a liberal or conservative; a Democrat or Republican. So if you criticize the liberals or Democrats, them you must be a conservative or Republican, by default.

Conscious and awakened people know as the great non-mainstream “clout” having historian John Henrik Clarke stated about both Demon-crats and Repugnant-can’ts- “We (as in Black people) have no friends.”

Conscious people know both parties are no good for Blacks. Republicans will tell Blacks that racism doesn’t exist, so stop bitching and work harder while simultaneously ignoring Black concerns. Even the dumbest of our race knows Republicans aren’t for us. That’s why they stay away from conservative-leaning Fox News and only watch liberal-leaning CNN and MSNBC.

Democrats will tell you racism exists and over publicize a police brutality incident around election time- not because they care for us poor Blacks- but so we can get emotionally worked up to vote Democrat based on our collective sensitivity to racism. After racial campaigning to Blacks during election, the Democrats, if elected, will then do a bait-and-switch to help minorities- which includes Hispanics, Asians, women, and LGBTQ, and ignore Black concerns until….you guessed it, it’s time to vote again and they need our Black asses to vote them in office again.

Conscious people know negro-minded Blacks view Democrats as the anti-racist party and view Republicans as the only racist party of the two. Conscious people also know only collective culture and institution building and group economics is our only solution- not simply voting Democrat- or Republican too, for that matter.

What about mainstream entertainment vs. an independent entertainer? Fat Joe has been publicly beefing with rapper Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian. Lord Jamar has defended FBA in interviews. Lord Jamar was popular when conscious rap had a brief stint in the early 90s. Gangster and street-nigga, or street-Latino rap has long since drowned out conscious rap. They won’t let a rapper with a positive message go far. But if you push drug-dealing, criminal rap, you will go far. That’s the reason Fat Joe and his street bars are more well known then Brand Nubian and Lord Jamar’s conscious bars.

Fat Joe is more well known because his bosses intentionally push his street and “Lean Back” party raps over Lord Jamar’s group’s conscious raps.

If I wanted to make a Hollywood movie about Black people being Kings, Queens, and Pharoahs in Egypt, I won’t get the mainstream backing and “clout” unless I allowed White actors to play them. If I wanted to do a slave movie with Black actors playing slaves, my movie would have “clout” and become mainstream famous, because the corrupt backers will co-opt it.

Being controlled, censored and being made to push lies and nonsense for money and mainstream notoriety, lacks having clout. Money is fake. Only character is real.

Make sure you guys subscribe to the premium section of this page for $5 a month or $50 a year and support this “broke FBA niggas” page.

P.S. If you suddenly notice I start pushing the Black, Brown, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights as a coalition, and overly caping for the Democratic party, just know a wealthy liberal think tank offered me $5, $10, or $20 million for them to buy this site and change the direction and message of this page.

P.S. Also, if you notice I suddenly start saying racism doesn’t exist, and Black people are all criminals who cause their own problems, just know a wealthy conservative think tank offered me a cool $5, $10, or $20 million to buy this site and change the agenda and message of this site. I’d just have either party change the name to 1D North Star. The new person who owns this site, whether liberal or conservative, will gain “clout” as Joey Crack likes to say. Why? Because they will be allowed to spew their 1D North Star Enslavement File nonsense on mainstream TV. FBA out.


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