First off, rest in peace to Sonya Massey and condolences to her family and friends. If you aren’t aware, she was another victim of police brutality. Apparently, she was shot in her Springfield, Illinois home by police.

Earlier in the night on July 6, 2024, Sonya Massey, a 36-year old Black woman, called 911 to report a potential intruder in her home. Massey was calm when deputies arrived at her home to “ensure that the residence was safe” according to documents obtained by USA TODAY.

Deputy Sean Grayson noticed a pot of hot water on Massey’s stove inside her house and asked her to remove it to prevent accidental fires. After Massey made a comment about the pot, the corrupt deputy drew his gun and threatened to shoot her. Sonya Massey threw her hands up and stated “I’m sorry.”

Sean Grayson then decided to fire his gun three times, while striking her once in the face.

Sean Grayson was terminated from his job and arrested on July 17.

First, let’s all pray for healing for the family of Sonya Massey, and know that the law of karma and cause and effect will render justice against Sean Grayson.

Even still, let’s also all hope and pray this crooked deputy is convicted of first degree murder, locked up for life, and not just fired from his position in law enforcement as usual. We still need earth bound legal justice.

And we all know how both political parties love to use police brutality and Black death to campaign for office and play us against each other.

Expect the liberal Democrats to pander to Black outrage by offering public words of support to the family of Sonya Massey and pretend they will do something to fix police brutality, all in an attempt to energize a growing apathetic voter base. If the demon-crats are elected, don’t expect them to pass any legislation to punish trigger-happy cops against citizens, particularly Black citizens. Do expect them to pass legislation to protect some other so-called aggrieved group from “wide-spread” assault like LGBT, women, midgets, red-heads, left handed people, or some other random identifier. They will inevitably lump those groups with Black people and say they are being discriminated against just as much. This is their attempt to say Black people don’t face discrimination in any large numbers mote than any other group.

If the Democrats are elected again, don’t expect the liberal media to publicize any other acts of police brutality against Black people until the next election cycle in 2028. So anyone Black who is assaulted or faces any racist hate crime between 2025 and late 2027, your story will be ignored by the media. They usually wait to election time to troll our collective emotions into voting by using a racist happening.

They know we associate the Democratic party as the anti-racist party, especially since President Lyndon Johnson’s passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. They also know that most Black people are unaware of President Lyndon Johnson’s private comment about the passing of the legislation: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. I’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”

We are a prop and a racial marketing ploy to those suckers.

Also, expect the crooked Republicans to pander to a portion of their base- the bigots. They will do this by making an insensitive comment about Sonya Massey, try to tarnish her character, and will be dismissive to Black people’s sensitivity to racism.

Hopefully, the Oligarchs don’t instruct both of their political party employees to use Sonya Massey’s death as an advertising ploy for our dissenting votes.

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