Did any of you guys watch the Democratic and Republican National Convention? No? Good. Me neither. I saw a few clips but nothing more. If you did…hmm OK. Cool. I ain’t mad at you

If you did look at it, I hope you looked at it with an open eye. It’s funny how both political parties spend millions of dollars to campaign to us so they can brainwash us into believing they are sincere in their intentions to serve the public and better the country.

Truth is, neither party means you no good and most of these politicians have self-serving motives. And many of them will follow the marching orders of the hidden power-hand behind and over them. Your favorite politician is simply a figure head and high ranking employee… but with great benefits and perks. They might have to deal with extreme hate, ridicule and insults from their detractors. Buy they also have that vitriol balanced out with extreme fawning, that borders on worship by their supporters. But that’s with any position as a celebrity.

And let’s not fool ourselves. Politicians are celebrities. Celebrities aren’t just athletes and entertainers. Politicians are celebrities too- especially presidents and presidential candidates. Your local governors, mayors, and senators are local politicians.

And just like entertainers, politicians are entertaining also. I’m pretty sure many of you have heard of the phrase and idea that “politics is entertainment for ugly people.” Hollywood is entertainment for good-looking people. Because Hollywood usually wants a beautiful face to be leading man or leading lady to be top billing for a real entertainment movie and television star.

Washington D.C., on the other hand, usually has an old, relatively homely looking square to be the leading man and now lady with Kamala Harris running as the “first Black woman” to run- or at least, I think she’s still Black. She might be Indian again. Or she’s probably Black now and will return back to being an Indian or some other ethnicity when and if she is elected. But I won’t digress.

Hollywood usually likes their superstar entertainers to be considered cool, hip, and trendy. Washington D.C. usually wants their superstar entertainers, who pose as leaders and servants to the public, to be mature, poised, regal and dignified. Even though more and more, acting dignified and sophisticated is becoming less and less the case. Just look at Trump, who says stuff that doesn’t quite sound presidential. He sounds more crass in some of his public statements. In recent years, I’ve seen this from other politicians as well, on both sides.

The good thing about real entertainers, they let you know they’re role is to entertain you. Politicians act as if they are high-minded intellectuals who should be taken seriously. Actors know their role and tell you their role is to pretend to be another person as a living. They don’t attach a high-minded, intellectual seriousness with what they do.

Politicians though? That’s an entirely different story. They pretend that they are not actors who are carrying out an agenda. And they pretend they are actually serious in their cute little public discussions, speeches, debates, and carefully crafted interviews.

The NPCs (non-playing characters), drones, sheep, sheeples, sleepers, bot humans, and calcified pineal holders definitely take these little political figure heads seriously. They look to be led by them and can’t see their nonsense as clearly.

But us awakened, conscious folks, decalcified pineal gland holders, “wokety wokes” and tinfoil hat conspiracy realists, or theorists as many of you NPCs would rather call us; we see right through the nonsense of these politicians, and the corporate-controlled media who works with them. That is all for now.


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