It’s all coming out now. If you’ve been hiding under a rock, here’s the backdrop. Latino rapper, Fat Joe was on Black battle rapper Math Hoffa’s podcast and made some disparaging and controversial remarks about Black Americans- or foundational Black Americans.

Fat Joe stated that FBA was a Black radical organization who hates anyone or any group who isn’t them. (Not true, but more on that later)

The interviewer then proceeded to ask Fat Joe to explain who FBA was to the viewers- not conscious and awakened viewers, because we know who they are already and we know the influencers who use the term FBA. But mainstream viewers who either don’t know who uses the term FBA, pretend to not know them, or dismiss the FBA term users as mere conspiracy theorists because they dispute mainstream news, history, and political talking heads’ agendas.

Fat Joe hesitated to name them at first because, as he stated, he didn’t want to give them “clout.” By clout, he means FBA- or FBA term-users don’t have the so-called clout of being known, acknowledged,  parroted around and controlled by the carefully controlled mainstream media, entertainment, sports, political, agenda-driven news and overall, celebrity culture. This is the same culture who acts like the underground, grassroots, uncontrolled, social media culture doesn’t exist. This same mainstream culture acts as if they are not aware of what grassroots culture are saying about mainstream puppets, agents and celebrities who try to control how us peasant, regular degular, working joes think and what to think- at their elite bosses’ and handlers’ orders.

An example of what we conscious and socially aware FBA term-users know Fat Joe and other puppet celebrities want us to think is to blindly vote Democrat without demanding anything for our vote, get the jab, be fearful of their fear-mongering news, and be racially offended enough to vote Democrat, at carefully timed and highly publicized racial incidents, which happens to take place around every election time.

Another example of how us conscious FBA knows mainstream celebrity culture wants us to think is to consider Latinos, Hispanics, women, LGBTQ people as our fellow, oppressed minority group comrades. They want us to think this despite only Blacks- foundational Black Americans at that, being the only group to suffer from Christopher Codumbo invading our landmass of America in 1492 and high-jacking it from FBA and eventually enslaving FBA. After slavery ended, we endured years of Jim Crow, lynchings, and having multiple prosperous Black communities burned down and destroyed. Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Black Wall-Street that was burned down in 1921 was not the only one. That’s simply the one that is talked about the most. This all happened to Blacks, not Hispanics, gays, or women.

Each Black leader- not Hispanic, gay, or woman leader- who stood up to organize and fight back, was targeted, assassinated, jailed, deported or had their organization infiltrated. Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, are just a few names who come to mind. Ida B. Wells was a woman, but she was a Black woman. She fought against racial discrimination, not gender discrimination. James Baldwin was a gay social critic of Black discrimination, not a critic of gay discrimination.

White women received the same benefits as their White male husbands. Their gripe is against social, patriarchal society becoming toxic to their womanhood. They have no gripes against being  structurally and economically shut out of resources. Only foundational Black men and women endured that.

Gay people’s only historical gripe is against social mockers and bullying and not being structurally and economically shut out of resources. Only foundational Black Americans endured that- whether they were straight or gay- or like screwing dogs too, for that matter.

Hispanics and other ethnic “minorities” didn’t even start flooding America in larger numbers until the middle part of the 1900s and then the Democrats came up with the benign neglect policy at the end of the 1960s going into the 1970s after social unrest came from peaceful protests and race riots of the 1960s. That policy stated in a January 16, 1970 memorandum to stop talking about Black Civil Rights legislation and “greater attention should be paid to Indians, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans would be useful.”

Those “fellow minorities” weren’t the original founders of this country, nor were they made to forcibly build this country through slave labor, as well as the ensuing Jim Crow. Only Blacks were- foundational Blacks, at that.

Does that mean I or we hate those groups? Of course not. It simply means that those other so-called aggrieved groups should not lump their issues with historical Black issues. The mainstream media will try to gaslight and straw-man this statement by implying and even outright falsely slating that FBA is saying they hate those other groups. That is the mainstream establishment’s common tactic.

And that’s exactly what their celebrity employee, Fat Joe did by falsely stating that FBA hates anyone who isn’t them. FBA loves other groups. FBA just isn’t going to let BS and false narratives slide. And they won’t let other groups try to cut into Black- or more specifically, foundational Black-specific issues the same way we won’t try to cut into other groups’ unique issues.

Joey Crack is part of the establishment even though he acts like he is down with the “brothers” and the grassroots common man and Hip-Hop struggle culture. First off, Hip-Hop was high-jacked by his elite bosses awhile ago. And they encourage young Blacks to be “street niggas” and discourage conscious rap.

And FBA is not an organization. It is a lineage coined by filmmaker Tariq Nasheed to mean Blacks who were here in America before we were invaded by that guy they celebrate in mid October every year and give us a day off of work, and who were here before other ethnicities started coming to this landmass. Tariq Nasheed, as well as Profblacktruth on YouTube, and Jason Black’s Black Authority YouTube channel are part of the “New Black media” who defend FBA and pushes against the bullshit lies of mainstream media. And they do a great job of it. They make many of the same points I make on this page.

Tariq Nasheed has a new documentary called Microphone Check that narrates the history of Black people inventing Hip-Hop. Fat Joe is trying to convince people that Hispanics co-created Hip-Hop with Blacks. That’s not true, obviously. We all know 2+2=4 and there’s no two ways about it. No sense in arguing with someone who believes it’s 5 and then tries to gaslight you and straw-man your statement to mean you hate the number 5 or you are anti 5 because you know 2+2 is 4. This isn’t a Black vs. Hispanic issue. This is righteous vs. unrighteous, and truth vs. lies. Hispanics shine and thrive in their own right, just as Black do. But Blacks invented Hip-Hop and there’s no two-ways about that.

Nasheed’s documentary is probably what caused Fat Joe to lash out and call FBA a radical hate group and call them “broke niggas.” It’s not enough for FBA’s “fellow minorities” to try to cut into our historical resource benefits. Now they want to claim they invented our music genre too. Or at least their corporate media handlers and power structure bosses are pushing the celebrities with “clout” to do this.

But anyways. You guys make sure you subscribe to the premium section for $5 a month for more content. Support this FBA “broke nigga’s” page.

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