(credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/)

Consider the total history of Black people in this country. It started with 100+ years of chattel slavery, then 100 years of Jim Crow segregation, degradation, lynchings, Blacks being burned at the stake, and having Black babies used as alligator bait by racist whites with no protection by the government. A 15 year Civil Rights movement ended some forms of racism, improved others, and merely transformed other forms of racism from blatant to subliminal. Now it’s only been close to 50 years of us living in this current era of subliminal racism. This is the “We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go” era. That’s what you hear puppet pundits and politicians say now. This is their tacit acknowledgment that we still have racism in America.

Massa Taught Me

Today we have racism in the justice system, education system, media representation, and policing in our communities. It’s just not as blatant and consistent as it once was. Nevertheless, it’s still connected to the past as only a gradual improvement. So when Black people say dumb things like, “We can’t get mad at cops killing us cause WE killing each other,” I see why Black people go beyond the psychoanalytic insult of coon, Sambo, or bootlicker and try to attack the essence of your being with actual senseless insults. When confused knee-gros say “We killing each other,” I’ll ask “how many Blacks have YOU killed?” When they respond with the expected (dumb dude/chick voice) “Well, I haven’t killed nobody,” then I respond with “Well why do you say WE to include yourself as if all Blacks are one monolithic group of gang-banging, drug-dealing criminals who just wake up shooting other Black people?.” (Dumb person voice again) “Cause that’s how massa taught me to think.”

That was a rhetorical question anyway. I’ll answer that myself. It’s not because of the bumps on your face or crooked teeth. That would be an irrelevant insult spewed out of pure anger. Considering our prior mentioned history connected to now, I understand why vitriolic and senseless name-calling is actually used when people give their “honest opinion” on police brutality. Like the example of loving or hating Malcolm X and racist dead presidents as good guys or bad guys, or any other random socio-political topic or narrative you can think of. But the answer to the rhetorical question on police brutality is simple. It’s because white racists and their propaganda has programmed you into becoming a self-hating house negro, Uncle Tom, sellout, coon, and Sambo. There’s nothing senseless or childish about labeling your logic or ill-logic if you will, this accurate, but unfavorable description.

We All Have One

You don’t have a right to have your own opinion without being critiqued and having people intuit your motives as either choosing buck dancing for income, or bootlicking to have your white master and white audience give you patronizing pats on your kinky-haired dome. If you don’t tow-the-line with only some variations of opinions that still fall within the strict confines of anti-racism, woke, conscious ideological thought process now, then don’t come running back to us when the economic and new cultural revolution topples this old one. A “Nigga Wake Up Call” from racists that you fawn over will not get you an invite back to the cookout. We’ll just ask your silly ass “Well what about Black-on-Black crime though?”

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