The goal of this blog is to encourage Black progress in economics, politics, and health – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Every week, I will post three articles that relate to a single subject. All three articles will be a continuation from the previous. In an effort to not bombard you with so much info, I chose to divide the blog subjects into two or three parts. Each part might not have the same length because some subjects require me to say more while others won’t. I will post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11 a.m.

The Goals of This Blog

My goal with this blog is to inspire you, teach you, learn from you, and change your mind on certain issues. There are certain convoluted viewpoints I hear from racist White conservatives, condescending liberals, and brainwashed and dead-thinking Blacks who follow them. These thoughts could come from liberal Blacks, conservative Sambo Blacks, apolitical Blacks, nigga-nonsense, hoodrat-minded Blacks, and to a lesser degree, conscious community Blacks. My thought frequency resonates with the conscious community more. But there are certain views and strategies I’ll disagree with them on as well.

For the most part, I will be praising the conscious community of Blacks. They have it right. They think on the right path. For the most part, they believe in group politics, economics, and culture and in do-for-self, nation-building strategies. This is a far cry from mainstream, liberal political analysts and puppet celebrities, who simply want to assimilate and take a deferential posture to the same bosses who they assimilate with – or under, rather. This blog is for independent, outside-the-box, logical, intelligent, free thinkers. This independence of thought just happens to lead me to conscious community thought – with my own God-conscious spin on it.

Besides politics, economics, and propaganda, I will also talk about racism, classism, elite corruption, history, culture, trending issues in real time, health, science, genetics, anthropology, philosophy, spiritually and religion – all as it relates to Black people and race issues.

Some topics and issues are universal to all races and not just unique to Blacks. So a White, Asian, Hispanic, or any other race or ethnic background will find some information and inspiration relevant to them as well. Some people think speaking outrage at systemic racism is anti-White. It’s not. It’s exactly what it is – anti-racism, not anti-White, unless you think being a racist and being White are one in the same thing. Some Whites do think this way, consciously or unconsciously.

This is an anti-racism, anti-injustice, anti-corruption, and pro-justice and pro-righteous blog, with pro-Black falling as a sub-theme under those broader themes. Politics, economics, propaganda, racism, classism, elite corruption, conspiracies, history, culture, trending issues in real time all tie in to health, science, genetics, anthropology, philosophy, spirituality, and religion. Some of you might not see how. But you will see how it connects as you keep reading this weekly blog over time.

The Tone of This Blog

My tone in this blog may be harsh, snarky, and condescending at times. Condescension is warranted on many occasions, with some of the ridiculous opinions, views, logic, and mindsets that some people have. Nonetheless, I love y’all anyway. Some of y’all I can only love from afar though.

Many of us are brainwashed by culture, brainwashed family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, media, religion, and education. Some of you have blinders on and don’t realize you’re brainwashed. You don’t even see how your views are not your own views. Your views are influenced by external stimuli and not your internal awareness and God-conscious, perceptive 3rd eye and common sense. Though the ire of my words may be directed at some of you, my frustration is really with the elite institutions for programming you into having illogical thoughts. I am fussing out the brainwashing elite through and to some of you. Some of you propagate the mindset the elite media, culture, mainstream politics, religion, and education system intended for you to have and coaxed you into having. Keep reading guys. You’ll see how.

Some issues I will criticize in a moderate and light tone. I will express my understanding of why you think certain ways and certain behaviors and habits you have. Not every wrong and counterproductive behavior is stupid; especially considering you were taught certain habits at an early age. Some issues I am mixed on the tone of criticism. On one hand I emotionally think how can you not see what I’m seeing and think how I’m thinking. But then logically, I’ll think, ok; we’re all wired differently. Cut them some slack. Not everyone will wake up at the same time and think the same way.

What to Expect from This Blog

I will do more than just state the problem and over-analyze the problem. I will offer solutions to the problem. The solution could be physical action that is required, or changing your thought patterns. A change in thinking will automate a change in your behavior and habits in many ways.

I will also occasionally criticize and condescend my old opinions I had when I was brainwashed. I will narrate my evolution of thought over the years. In hindsight, I condescend my own prior views and emotionally wonder how I could’ve been so silly to think that. But then I correct myself and logically understand why – it’s because I was brainwashed and indoctrinated. Of course I’m not now. I have taken full use of this information age of smartphones and social media and consumed more conscious content. Before, all I had was media, pop culture, education, church, family, and work culture to shape my thoughts. New day, new age though.

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