It’s interesting that they refer to the Buffalo shooter as a boy and not a man. We all know if the shooter was a Black man who shot a bunch of Whites, the media would have called him a man- a grown ass man, at that. They also make excuses for the White shooters and say they have or had mental issues, and they had a troubled past. A Black shooter would’ve been referred to as a thug.

I also noticed the media paraded Black “leaders” talking that forgiveness nonsense. Some even invoked the name of Dr. King while telling us to conquer having a racist shoot Black people with love. Dr. King used love as a temporary tactic for that time to achieve the goal of desegregation. The media has been trying to convince us that he meant it as a permanent, general philosophy ever since. And as a result, we should to. Black people and other races admire Martin Luther King and deify him for his sacrifices. So the media uses his words out of context to fit their nefarious agenda. The attitude is “Look negros, Dr. King, your hero said it. Now listen to him.”

The only time Black people are taught not to forgive and seek justice is if it’s an international terrorist attacking all Americans like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor of WWI. Then the attitude is to seek justice under the guise of being patriotic. Don’t pray for the terrorists and don’t use love, kindness, and forgiveness to conquer the Taliband’s hate. Let’s militarily seek justice. Now if it’s a White hate group, domestic terrorist attacking just Blacks, then that’s when you use love, kindness, and prayer.

The media refused to give the name of the shooter also. They claimed this was done to keep the bad person from being famous. The real reason the media did this was to protect the shooter.

We must be smart and analytical with how we view the media. We need to pay attention to their sneaky and sinister motives when covering stuff and refraining from covering stuff. We should also pay attention to selective ways they word stuff when they give descriptions. Fair, balanced, and objective journalism is as big a myth as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It doesn’t exist and it never has.

Besides, the media is not designed to inform the public what’s going on in the world. They are designed for mind control and to program your mind. That’s why it’s called TV programming. The media’s job is to cherry-pick events they want you to know, ignore covering stuff they don’t want you to know, stage events for reactions, or control the narrative of something that happened that can’t be ignored. The latter is the case here. I can definitely see them attempting to control the narrative and shape the way you view this tragic incident.

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