The Ultimate Democratic Sales Pitches to “The Blacks”

I see Black people were very excited to have another savior from the Democratic party.

But What About Black-on-Black Crime? Part 1

You know the routine. An unarmed Black man gets shot by the police, the killer cop gets off free stating he feared for his life. The police department “investigates” themselves and finds no wrongdoing in their actions.

The Unofficial Sambo Party

Sambos, you are more than welcome to have your own opinion. But your opinion better be logical, eloquently, and persuasively presented, and be able to hold up to the pressure of anti-racism counterpoints.

Now Who Really is the Sellout: Part 2

Here are some detrimental habits of Blacks. I’m pretty sure even self-righteous, conscious average joes make some or all of these same mistakes.

Allow Me to Introduce My Blog: Part 1

Peace, blessings, and love to my fellow melanated people – Black people, African-Americans, or just plain ol’ American beings with incidental Black skin – or however you choose to refer to yourself. Peace, blessings, and love to my fellow righteous beings of other races as well.

How Self-Hate Fuels Ignorant Opinions on Racism by Blacks

Consider the total history of Black people in this country. It started…

Now Who Really is the Sellout: Part 1

Now Who Really is the Sellout, Coon, Sambo, and Buck Dancing Uncle Tom?

Are You Ready for The Great Awakening?

As we get into this blog content, you may notice that some of the articles I post sound as if they would be more relevant a few years ago then they do now. That’s because I wrote them a few years ago as the events were happening in real-time.

This Blog will Change the Way You Think. Here’s How

Many of you will learn a lot from this blog. I will start off many blogs by presenting a long held popular opinion or way of thinking that I don’t agree with.

Calling You a Sambo is Fair Game

Be that as it may, they have a right to their opinion, just as l have a right to critique their opinion for good, bad, indifferent – or woke, coon, or apolitical/innocently stupid but sometimes meaning well.