Oh boy. It’s a new year and it’s also election year. So expect a lot of tomfoolery this year. By tomfoolery, I mean false flag stories in mainstream media, true stories that are exaggerated and sensationalized, and weird controversies to get us riled up and inspired to go to the polls and vote.

Some new hot button issue will start trending that they- you know who they are- will divide among political lines. If you are a Democrat, they will socially engineer you into taking this stance on the issue. And if you are a Republican, they will socially engineer you into taking that stance on the issue. They will have us, or many of those other drone-minded people, rather (you guys are smarter than that), in their feelings and debating this pre-planned issue. There will be debates all over social media, and at holiday dinners. The elites may even cause some family members to fall out and quarrel at a holiday dinner after a fiery argument over the elite’s pre-planned nonsense. And the fake journalists on television will act as if it was an organic happening.

And whatever happens, expect them to politicize it and watch both parties use it in their campaign. Remember guys, it’s election year. Crazy stuff just conveniently happens around election time.

Expect their to be planned divisions between gender, race, class, political parties, sexual orientations, and whatever one-off, controversial nonsense they can drum up to work our emotions and have us engaging in debates.

They will probably publicize an un-armed Black man or woman enduring police brutality. If a Black person is unjustly killed by the police, mainstream media will cover it and inspire a hashtag on social media. I used to think the media publicizes police brutality or any act of racial discrimination against Black people because they genuinely care for us. I also used to think their motive was to bring awareness to systemic racism against Blacks.

After seeing this political play book so many times in 2020, 2016, 2012, and even 2008 in a different way, I now see this is just a ploy to return a passion to an increasingly apathetic Black voter base.

Once the passion is restored and we vote again, the media and the political party they are in cahoots with, will do a bait and switch and say Blacks are not the only ones facing discrimination. LGBTQ, women, midgets, left-handed people, vegans, bacon eaters, fat people, and even old people are being discriminated against also. They might even say Geminis, Virgos, and baseball fans are facing discrimination too. Then the powerless, puppet figurehead they put in office as president of the U.S. corporation, will pass legislation for one of those random group identifiers that the media claims is facing hate crimes and discrimination in record numbers.

I’m curious to see what they plan on doing in this election cycle as well as what they’ll do in 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, and so fourth and so on, if this corporation is still standing by then.



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